Why choose pavers over concrete - better in earthquakes

There are many reasons to choose pavers over poured concrete but today we want to focus on why pavers are better in earthquakes.
People don't often associate earthquakes with the state of Idaho. When we think of U.S. earthquakes, we think of the California and the San Andreas Fault. But the truth is Idaho has experienced plenty of earthquake activity over the years. The earthquake that hit Idaho this April 2020 registered 6.5 magnitude and is the most recent example of such activity.
Regardless of the frequency of earthquakes, even mild ones, such activity makes it important to select a material that is earthquake-resistant. Solid driveways, walkways and patios that are made of large sections of concrete are not flexible.
During an earthquake concrete tends to crack as the earth beneath it shifts.
So when comparing pavers with traditional, poured concrete or even stamped concrete, pavers are the clear winner when it comes to being earthquake resistant. Similar to how pavers shift during the freeze-thaw cycle in the winter months, when an earthquake strikes pavers can shift and move with the earth. Pavers are set on top of a gravel base with sand filler between the stones so as the earth moves pavers simply adjust to this movement.