Five things to ask yourself when evaluating if you should install pavers as your new driveway surfac
Your current concrete driveway is cracked
You live in a climate that experiences freeze-thaw conditions in the winter
You are driving on it constantly with large SUVs or trucks
You plan to resell your home in the next five years
Your driveway is on a slope with water drainage going down the hill
If you answered yes to any of these five questions you should consider installing concrete pavers as your new driveway surface.
Pavers have an average compressive strength of 8,000 psi or greater, they have a resistance to at least 50 freeze-thaw cycles with average material loss not exceeding 1% and they are easy to maintain.
Concrete pavers address all of the above issues and will provide you with a durable, hardwearing, beautiful surface that outlasts the traditional installation of poured concrete.